Wednesday, August 17, 2011

100 days of Bloodshed

No, I am not talking about WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan, I am talking about the opening of the Flavian Amphitheater, or as well all know it today, the Colosseum. Construction started under Emperor Vespian (I think the Vespa scooters are named after him) in the year 70ad. His son soon took command of the Roman Empire, and the construction was completed under Emperor Titus.

  • 76 public entrances, 4 private entrances
  • built to fit 50,000
  • Entire amphitheater could be emptied out in 5 mins.
  • Seating was based on social status.
  • Senators were awarded seats for life.
  • Their name would be cared into the assigned seat
  • The expression "I do not see your name on that seat" comes from this
  • Inaugural games lasted 100 DAYS 
The Inaugural games had three daily parts.
  1. The animal games - Animals vs. Animals for example it is documented that an elephant defeated a bull
  2. Execution of prisoners - sometimes by human hand, sometimes by animal
  3. Gladitor contests - We have all seen the movie Russel Crowe starred in.
 It is said that in the first 100 days, over NINE THOUSAND animals were killed, and that in the lifetime of the coliseum's use, over 700,000 people were killed there. Yet today it is celebrated for history, and beautiful architecture......Its amazing what time does to a viewpoint.
 Interior - Partial reconstruction of the floor, below is where the animals and prisoners were housed

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